Mele has not been happy this past week. She is doing better. A lot better. She slept a lot better last night than she has for a week. In this picture she was exhausted. She had spent the night trying to find some place she felt safe. I could not stand it and stayed up much of the night and played on the computer while she slept on the floor as far over in the corner under my desk chair as she could get.
Truthfully...I am rather reluctant to talk about this incident. I have no answers. I know what some learned people have told me..I know what I have witnessed and I am shocked to some extent and at a loss for any answers that make sense to me.
This incident spooks me and makes me unhappy. Suffice to say that Mele is better. I was actually able to take her into the room last night and she didn't struggle to get away or dash off the bed and out of the room the moment I loosened my grip. My husband thinks it is my dog. He did NOT raise her and we are both fairly new in his life. I don't want him upset so I am trying hard to down play this thing. Ihave had her checked and she is fine, healthy and totally normal. She has had every shot a dog can have.
Last night I put her under the covers and she stayed..not though knowing I was trying to give her someplace she felt safe. I finally took our top quilt and pushed it to the bottom of the bed and made a make shift cave for her. She stayed the entire night. I truly expected her to be gone this morning but she was not. So..I have hope this is passing.
I am very aware that there are wonderful ladies on here that I think highly of and want to like me and not think something is WRONG with me..or my little dog for that matter. We are getting through this. Probably the less said the better as we know nothing really. I have faith. It is definitely getting better. Much better. :)