The reason I say this is because I think...I really do think, I got another great deal! I paid MORE then ten dollars this time..but still..I think I stole the following treasure...
Remember the sterling? Yeah..well..this time it's china. :) Noritake. On the way home after finding brand new hard cover novels...for a quarter, and some fifty cent deals..and other little treasures...and thinking our Saturday morning had been a success and so pleased, I was in for a surprise. This was our last stop..a garage sale that we had passed on our way out and decided to stop after breakfast when we were on our way home.
We did! And there, poorly wrapped in a big old cardboard box was this set of Noritake china, place settings for 8, plus gravy bowl and serving pieces.
I couldn't wait to get it home and see what it included. They didn't know exactly what was in the box... I unwrapped a few at the sale to know that...the price they wanted...I WAS GOING TO PAY! I didn't quibble!
I think the pattern is just beautiful. The beautiful pale gold does not show up in the picture.
Adorable little gravy boat! PERFECT!
Cups and saucers. Check!
Are those sweet or what? can see through them when held to the light!!
Oops..tiny chips in both these serving pieces...but...