I love them. On ebay I spotted a seller selling doilies that her Dad made. She said he had begun as a little boy, some Aunt had taught him and he crocheted to relax. He makes one now and then...and I was fortunate enough to win this beauty. There are others out there much fancier..but this one is special. Do you know anyone who's Dad crochets? I do now...
I'll think about it tomorrow....)
I had a terrible time photographing and I know you can't get the full scope. I should have cleared off my big square coffee table and maybe you could have seen it better...
The best part is when you tire of things like this...you don't lose a hundred dollars...or fifty...or whatever. It's just a few dollars...and you had fun with it..for a season or?
Lots and lots happening in my life right now and concentration is not an easy thing.
Then I stopped by to see SMB's blog and found out my problem. I HAVE SASS! It's terrible!
I've probably had it for more years than I knew...
Ok..I knew. I was just in denial! (heavy sigh...)
Love and hugs,
Ok. Because of some of the comments I have gotten I need to be more clear. SASS stands for
Short Attention Span Syndrome. If your read WORDS OF WISDOM FROM A SMART MOUTH BROAD you will know exactly what I am talking about....