I mentioned this book in my last post but had the title wrong.
I bought this book in 1978...OR some sweet person took pity and gave it to me.
Whatever the case..it really did help.
Being married to a career Marine for 43 years, and one that was addicted to organization, kept me on track. I even let him put the groceries away..my cupboards were always perfect. Now?
Not so much. They need organizing.
Our biggest fights were over my lack of housekeeping and organization skills.
Not dirty, never dirty..just not putting dishes in the sink rinsed, just little things like that. Later when the babies came, there were toys scattered about on the floor, my young idealistic Marine husband was NOT understanding. After all, what else did I have to do all day.
He was right.
To this day I still have "THE LIST." The one he made of all the things I was to do every single day.
My mother saw it and never did forgive him. :)
My world was one of stress trying to keep life and limb in some sort of order..
I vacuumed at night when the children were in bed..I washed until 2 in the morning.
I never, ever. caught up.
As they say "I made my bed and now I had to lay in it."
Here is the real picture of my desk. Yes, that's my bra laying there and I have no idea where I was headed with it. This would NOT have gone over well in the old days.
Is this some sort of belated rebellion. :)
To be really honest here..I shoved stuff away from the book for the picture. There is more to the side..and then I changed my mind. I need honesty here.
I meant to start organizing my desk today but,
1. the garage had to be totally vacuumed. Heaven only knows it needed it.
2. but that was after I checked my email while I drank my coffee and read my friend, Jean's letter. Each morning a note waits for me..with a cup of coffee.
It's all pretend..but it's fun!
3. Howard's Levi shorts had to be found...
4. I want to return the smaller LODGE dutch oven that I bought and can't use, but I can't find the receipt and the search turned up nothing. There goes the morning..into noon.
The list goes on. I should be able to think of something, an item, and know right where it is but
I can't. The book really did help when I read it all those many years ago. I've just slipped back into my old bad habits. Yes, I should throw out those hundreds of magazines.. It's on my list of TO DO's.
You see, it's not the things you can see. It's the things you cannot see.
The book says to make a list in the evening of 10 things to do the next day, in order of priority, then at the end of the day..move the ones that didn't get done to the top of the next days list.
Believe me..it does work and it does help if you take a few minutes and make your list.
So, I did it.
Since they were all urgent, I didn't bother with the "priority" part, I just listed everything I could think of.
Already I'm not following directions.
I must rethink this.
Those magazines are going to be a problem. I hate throwing my magazine away. Maybe Goodwill will take them but doubt it. I simply CANNOT throw my beautiful magazines in the trash, even if they do date..back to the last century. :(
I've noticed lately that I have gotten in the habit of saying "I'll do it tomorrow."
I've decided I am going to put all of my magazines in the trunk of the car in the morning. It's on my list...
I mean, it's a start. Right?
You just WATCH! I'll lose the blasted list!!!
Oh, and before I forget. The kitchen frig. magnets are GONE!
(except for just a couple)
P.S. What does PH think about all of this? He is the one that says, "Oh, do it tomorrow" :)