Saturday, February 28, 2015


I never gave them a second thought.  No, not in all these years.  I've hung wreaths on doors, inside and out..but lately they really interest me.

I do other things too..for example..I am finally getting around to reading "Of Human Bondage" and am about half way through.  It's an old classic, I know, but it's those that I now have time for.
Example, "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" and I loved every page and will read it again.  Fiction?  Yes, but it's the kind of fiction I love.  Stories that have some truth..serious truth thrown in.
 I just stepped out into the back yard and was delighted to think the flowers think it's Spring.
:) So do the birds.   You can just see the buds coming out on the plum tree.  :)

 Can you see the work that I have ahead of me? 
Oh wait...I bet Mateo will plant those flats for me. :)
At least I know he won't ask me for my "first born" to do it!  LOL

.....and finally the doorway into to our kitchen.
Of course my 6'3" grandson's are going to frown..and so are my girls and they'll say "Mom, don't you think it's a bit MUCH!"  (I won't answer.)
 Well, I like it. 
See?  I'm already getting defensive! :)
I mean, MY head isn't even close to that valance.
No..and PH only has to duck a wee bit.

You know...I think that little gold ribbon above the mirror should be lower.  

 The front door.  HOW I would like a new one with lots of light coming through...
Maybe I could wallpaper those squares?  LOL  I need to also repair hole I put in the wall.

Oops, forgot a heart on the doorknob.  This happens on every holiday.  I always find little things sitting and hanging when everything is ALREADY put away!! So I stuff it in a drawer and then forget where it is.  At Christmas I will run into that little heart.  I think I will paint it pink!

I'm rambling.. *sigh*

Well, arm got in the picture..
(that hole is bugging me now!!


I don't know how many of you know Balisha at Simply Balisha. The name used to be "Never Enough Time."   We are losing her and God is going to gain an Angel.  I want to write about her but I just cannot.  If any of you know her, you know what I mean.  There was so just so very much to this wonderful lady.  That's all I wanted to say.
I loved her.



  1. I think your lace is fun. I wonder if you could hang it slightly above the door so that it doesn't hang down so far----or would that spoil the beauty of it all for you? It would stop the complainers though.

    Your flowers are just gorgeous...lucky girl.

    I don't know the lady that is passing and the loss on Earth is heralded with joy in Heaven.

    Have a wonderful night xo Diana

  2. I love your posts, it's like being able to sit over a cup of tea and visit. Great conversation.

  3. I love your "door decor"....but, I can't stop going back to look at the beautiful flowers blooming in your yard. I can't wait for spring....hugs....

  4. Hi Mona, I'm so sorry to hear about your blogging friend. I don't know here. I love your door pretties and all your little embellishments! I do just the same thing, turn around and find something from the last holiday! I haven't even put away my pinecones yet. Oh, and your yard is gorgeous. All I can see is snow right now and I fear it's going to be here for another month. Oh, I'm able to put my hair up in a little bun now! I still have to put little clips on each side because it's just not long enough. Just keeping you updated on the 'hair thang'!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Not sure my other message when through.

  6. Your flowers are so beautiful. I will have to enjoy Spring in your backyard as I won't have anything that beautiful and lush until June or July! The lace made me smile because I know my 6'2 hubby would not enjoy it! Ha! It's so you! Love it! I'm sorry about your blog friend. Hugs to you Mona.

  7. Don't feel bad I do that all the time forgetting to pack things away. I normally keep on tub out for a while so I can pop it in there.
    Your door ways looks good and it looks like you have been busy. I have been cleaning out closets and throwing things to the SA.
    Just waiting for the rain, I hope the weather man is right, but nothing all day today.
    So sorry about your dear friend, I did not know her.
    Take care of your self and Howard. Hows the diet coming??????

  8. Even a rough ole shoe like me likes lace. Looking great.

    A little spackling to fill the holes and a fresh coat of paint will be easy
    for the door. If you have a recycle/salvage center maybe you could find a different door for not a lot of money.

    I like seeing alternative solutions.

    Your place is beautiful.

  9. The flowers in your yard are beautiful. I can't wait for spring to finally get here to St. Louis. Just peeking out of the window, without opening the door to see for sure, it looks like it is still lightly snowing here. That means it has been snowing for 12 hours. I have had enough, and we didn't have near the amount of snow the people on east coast had.

    I planted some flower seeds lightly covered with soil right before our last snow. It is amazing that one area the rabbit's and bird prints are all over. I think they must have dug the seeds from beneath their light covering of soil. I have been putting apple cores and peels in another part of the yard to try and distract them but they keep tearing up the snow over my flower seeds. Oh well, yesterday I bought some more seeds to sprinkle down when this dumb snow goes.

    It was fun seeing your pretty lace over the doors and your other pretty decorations. I would never have noticed your arm in the picture had you not mentioned it. I am always getting things in the picture that I don't mean to. Thank goodness for pic monkey.

    Balisha's blog has been one of my favorites for a very long time. She is such a gifted writer. I especially enjoyed her poems and stories, and seeing her beautiful flowers. Her husband, Joe's, comment in her comment section had me misty eyed. I have been keeping her and her family in my thoughts and prayers. I know that every time I see any big red geraniums, like she had last summer, I will think of her.

  10. Mona, you have heard the saying "If momma ain't happy no one is" So you make Mona happy, that is what counts.
    Barbara from Sunny Florida

  11. I do not know Balisha, Mona, but I saw her name often in the comments pages. How very sad that she will soon be leaving this world and all those who know and love her so much. I know how deeply these things affect you. My thoughts are with you as you prepare your heart to accept this loss.

  12. Your garden looks so very, very beautiful and is bursting with life and colour! Truly lovely, Mona. And your doorways are inspired. I have never seen that done before. You just might have started a trend 😉

  13. Are all those flowers growing now??? I can't imagine such beauty at this time of the year. Sorry you couldn't sleep. I did the same thing one night this past week. Went to bed way too early and paid for it most of the night!

  14. Your doorways are sweet - they are yours and you like them, so don't apologise to anyone!
    Thank you for letting me know about Blalisha. I have been so intermittent in my reading lately, I had missed her last few posts.


Thank you SO much for sharing your thoughts! Your comments are very important to me.