Sometimes you want to talk about something..but it's not possible. I think I will just show you my Fairy garden and what it's doing at this time of year.
Such a sweet, tiny and simple place to garden and create. I've made mine so that I can move them into shade in Southern California's blistering summers..I just roll them onto the patio where they add color and interest.
I'm hooked. It's really fun. I am going to look for some very tiny miniature roses this year.
All I had to do this year was cut back the dead button mum's and make way for the new growth..and here they came again. I've added some of the tiny things back that I removed until I could cut away the dead growth and make way for the new..but I haven't really done anything to the little garden yet. It needs tweaking but so far I've only pulled up a chair and snipped and trimmed. Soon the plants will be higher than the house. Lots to do yet...say...where's my tiny birdhouse?? It's so easy to lose things in the growth...
I put the little wheelbarrow back..added the tiny garden tools..replaced the stepping stones..
A tiny johnny jump up looks so big in this little garden.. Little stepping stones lead under the arbor to the front door of the cottage. The inside has a mossy floor..
The little creeping fig is growing naturally over the arbor. It's fun to keep it trimmed. I have more snipping to do as you can see. The miniature ground cover is doing beautifully and drapes gracefully over the sides of the wheelbarrow. I feed it miracle grow from time to time.
You can just catch a bit of the little Fairy kneeling there under the leaves. As you can see, I am clearing a path for the stones..and for the little benches..
I do my gardens with a lot less miniatures and pretty much stick to fewer items and more natural things like stones, potted miniature plants. Mine are not quite so structured.
This is the next little miniature garden I have to work on. I need a Fairy house for this one. I have a beautiful one with shutters that open and close etc..but...I fear water and outdoor elements will ruin it..but..I may give in and use it.
So...are any of you going to try a little Fairy garden this year? :) If you have one, how is it doing? It would be easy to wheel them under shelter from the cold. Right? Yikes, I hope so. I know nothing about really cold weather.
They really are fun..and so versatile.
I am sorry I haven't been blogging lately. It's been a difficult month..and today is a day I need to keep busy..and think of my friends out there and thank God for all of you and my family. I'm blessed.
My love to you,